This might be you right now - Wait, why have I stopped losing weight? I’m I doing anything wrong? But I’ve been doing the same thing that has been working for me ever since, and even more, yet no improvement, what's the problem?
Well, no need to panic. The answer to your question is that you have reached what is known as a plateau in weight loss. Plateau in weight loss can be frustrating because you're doing everything right, but you're not seeing results, this gets you thinking is this the end of my weight loss journey? No need to panic, a plateau is normal, and we will discuss more on this in a minute.
What is a Weight Loss Plateau?
A weight-loss plateau is a normal part of the weight loss process. It is that point when your weight stops going down even though you're still following the same diet and exercise regimens.
It happens when your body has gotten used to the changes you've made and no longer needs to lose weight at the same rate that it did when you started out. It may sound like bad news, but there are plenty of good reasons why your body might have hit a plateau in its weight loss journey—and we'll cover those reasons below.
Weight loss is a process. It's not a straight line. It's not a steady line. It's not even a smooth curve! Weight goes up and down, calories are burned and consumed, and muscles grow and shrink—all at varying rates for each person. This means that you can be losing weight one day and then gain it back the next day (or vice-versa), and this can get you frustrated when your weight isn't changing as quickly as you'd like it to, or when you are not noticing that your clothes don't fit anymore even though they did just two weeks ago, but this is normal!
Why You Stopped Losing Weight
It's called a “plateau” because your body has reached an equilibrium of sorts.
A plateau is your body's way of achieving a new balance, which can be helpful if you're working to lose weight or gain muscle. However, it can also work against you if you're trying to lose weight and are getting frustrated by the fact that it doesn't seem as though anything is happening.
The body has a natural tendency to maintain its current state by adjusting calorie intake, activity levels, and other factors accordingly. During the beginning stages of any diet or exercise routine—when changes are being made very rapidly—your body will tend to make these adjustments relatively quickly because big changes are happening all at once (or close together). As time goes on and those changes become less dramatic, however, your metabolism will adapt more slowly; eventually reaching balanced points where small amounts of change won't have much impact anymore. This is why many people experience plateaus in their workouts; they have reached new levels where their bodies require fewer calories than before but still burn enough energy so that losing weight becomes difficult without major dietary changes or increased exercise regimes.
The most important thing to remember is that weight loss plateaus are normal and expected. Be prepared for it to happen. It doesn't matter how little you eat, how much exercise you do, or how much sleep you get—you'll still hit a plateau at some point. The key is not to panic when this happens because it will pass.
If you've been working hard on your weight loss goals for a while now and are noticing the pounds aren't coming off as quickly as they used to, don't be discouraged! The best thing to do when this happens is simply to take a break from counting calories or stepping on the scale every day and instead focus on positive self-talk: keep telling yourself that you're doing great and remind yourself of how becoming healthier has already made an impact on your life (for example: "I am stronger than I use to be" or "I look forward to my workouts instead of dreading them.")
Some Factors Contributing to Weight Loss Plateau
Here are some reasons that plateaus happen and how you can get back on track.
1. You've cut calories too much
If you've been eating too little, your metabolism is slowing down and it's harder to burn calories. Your body also needs a certain amount of energy to function normally. If you don't give it enough food, it will start using protein from your muscles and tissues as well as fat stores for fuel instead of burning calories through physical activity or exercise. That means losing more weight becomes almost impossible if your calorie intake is too low for an extended period.
If you're not getting enough energy from food, then how much do you need? This can vary based on the individual person's health status, weight goals relative to their current body mass index (BMI), activity level, and age among other factors like genetics or medical conditions but generally speaking women who want to lose weight should aim for 1-1/2 times their body weight in calories daily while men should aim for 2 times their body weight in calories daily
2. You're overdoing it with exercise
When you're in the midst of a weight loss journey, it's easy to get caught up in a cycle where you're constantly pushing yourself. You don't want to slow down and let your body rest because then you will lose momentum and gain that extra bit of weight back. That's not exactly true—your body needs rest as much as it needs exercise!
It's important to find a balance between exercising enough so that your muscles stay healthy and strong, but not overdoing it so much that your joints begin to ache or injury sets in. The best way for this is to listen to what your body is telling you; if certain movements are painful or cause soreness the next day, then chances are those movements aren't doing anything good for your overall health or fitness level.
As long as exercise isn't causing any pain, then there should be no reason why anyone should stop working out altogether just because they haven't lost any more weight lately (or even gained some). If anything else makes sense: Exercise itself does burn calories which means less fat mass!
Breaking Out from Plateau in Weight Loss
When you’re stuck on a plateau, it can be frustrating to try the same things over and over again. While this strategy did work for some people in the past, there is no guarantee that it will work for you now. I believe that the best way to break out of a weight-loss plateau is to change up your routine. It's not about dieting harder or working out more, it's about switching things up in ways that will keep you interested, motivated, and excited about your progress.
Here are some ways to get yourself moving:
- Try an activity that you haven’t done before. If you usually walk on the treadmill or elliptical machine at the gym, try swimming instead or hiking at your local park if there are trails nearby where you live. You can also take up dancing! Dancing is an effective way of losing weight because it is both an aerobic exercise as well a fun physical activity which makes burning calories easier than when doing other forms of exercise alone.
- Try a new workout program: You don't have to stick with what you're doing now if it isn't giving you results. If you're bored with your current workout plan, try something new! There are so many options out there these days—you can get creative with YouTube videos or join a gym class and learn something new. Switch up your cardio routine!
- Keep track of what you eat. If you're not losing weight but have cut back significantly on calories and still feel hungry all the time, chances are you're eating more than you think (or eating foods that have hidden calories). Keep track of what you eat for a few days by writing down everything you consume (including snacks), and then look at your total calorie intake to see if it makes sense for your current goals. If not, re-assess your plan and make any necessary changes. You might want to switch up what foods you eat on different days to keep things interesting. Add in more protein. Protein helps build muscles that burn more calories than fat does, so adding more protein into your diet (whether through food sources or supplements) can help boost your metabolism and give your body more energy throughout the day.
- Try intermittent fasting (IF). IF is an eating pattern where people fast for 16 hours per day and eat within an 8-hour window during the night (for example between 6 pm-12 am). Studies show that this type of eating pattern can lead to weight loss because it helps regulate hormones like insulin; this helps prevent overeating during mealtimes!
- Don't be afraid of failure: Failure is part of the process! Sometimes when we try something new and it doesn't work out right away, we think it's because we're not good enough at it or that we failed somehow. But really, failure is just part of the process of trying new things in life—and that's okay! If something doesn't work out right away (or ever), try another approach until one does work for you.
Don't get discouraged or down on yourself if you don't lose weight every week (or even every month). You are not alone. In fact, you're in the middle of a common weight loss plateau and you've likely experienced it before. So don't let one plateau ruin everything; just keep staying focused on your goal!
In Summary
It’s important to remember that weight loss is an ongoing process rather than an end goal in itself. If after three months of consistent exercise and healthy eating habits your body hasn’t slimmed down as much as expected, remember that doesn’t mean anything went wrong: Instead of getting discouraged by the lack of results right away, give yourself some time—you might be surprised by what happens when you look back after six months instead of three weeks!
Most importantly, don't panic if you start to plateau. It's not a sign that you're going to gain all the weight back, and it doesn't mean your diet isn't working. Don't give up on your goals.
We hope this article has helped you understand why weight loss plateaus happen, and what you can do about them. As we’ve said, your body is constantly changing; when it reaches a new equilibrium, your metabolism will change to match. The important thing is that you keep moving in the right direction. If you’re doing things like eating healthier and exercising more often, then eventually things will click. And if they don’t? It can help to try some of the tips we mentioned above: change up your workout routine or tip the balance in your calorie intake (without cutting too much). Whatever you do, remember that these plateaus are temporary—and that no matter how long it takes to get where you want to be: it will all be worth it!